Upstart Co-Lab: Investments Of $7.75 Million And Plans For A $100 Million Portfolio
Six years ago, Laura Callanan launched Upstart Co-Lab, aimed at connecting investors to creative economy enterprises addressing larger societal problems, creating jobs and stimulating local economies. Then, in June 2020, Callanan, formerly senior deputy chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts, announced the Upstart Co-Lab Member Community, a coalition of families, foundations and others looking to invest in such enterprises.

TMI Project Presents Locker Room Talk on February 9
A Local Response to Hypermasculine Culture: Nationally, the Time’s Up campaign has received recognition for its efforts to end sexual harassment and provide legal defense to victims. While such action mainly offers support to women, local organizations are convening in Kingston with a slightly different solution: helping young men redefine manhood in order to combat mistreatment of women. TMI Project, A Call to Men, and Stockade Works are teaming up with Kingston High School football players to create the memoir writing and storytelling workshop Locker Room Talk to confront the dangers of a hypermasculine culture.